Wednesday 1st May saw the Harris Black Directors and Managers heading to Melbourne for the first of our bi-annual Brentnalls Affiliation Conferences for the 2019 year. The conferences are always a fast paced and rewarding experience held over three days during which we collaborate with our other firm affiliates. The Brentnalls Affiliation includes firms from Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Hamilton VIC, Perth and Auckland NZ. We are a close knit group of colleagues who share similar values and a strong ethos of wanting to help clients achieve their goals and grow their wealth.
The agenda for the 3 day conferences generally includes group sessions and guest speakers. The key focus for Melbourne 2019 was how we might better be able to provide advisory services to our clients that are not only highly valuable but constructive and clearly defined so as to improve their capacity to achieve great outcomes. In this regard, a full day was devoted to improving our Mindshop skills and capabilities which we believe will enhance our clients’ advisory service experience with Harris Black.
On the social side, there is always plenty of great banter over a drink and a good meal with old and new friends, the obligatory early morning walks designed to clear the head and kick start the day and quite a lot of “coffee runs” between sessions. Always a great event, with stimulating conversations, the sharing of ideas and ultimately ongoing benefits to the HB team and our clients.