Harris Black’s Success With iManage

Harris Black achieved remarkable efficiency and collaboration with the implementation of iManage. Faced with the challenges of managing vast amounts of client information and ensuring seamless internal communication, Harris Black turned to iManage for a comprehensive solution.

The results were transformative—improved document management, enhanced team productivity, and fortified data security. This success story highlights how iManage empowered Harris Black to streamline operations, reduce manual tasks, and provide even better service to our clients.

Click the link below to read more of HB’s success story with iManage featuring our very own Kimberley Ward (Practice Manager).

READ: Harris Black | Customer Stories | iManage

The information in this blog is intended only to provide a general overview and has not been prepared with a view to any particular situation or set of circumstances. It is not intended to be comprehensive nor does it constitute advice. While we attempt to ensure the information is current and accurate we do not guarantee its currency and accuracy. You should seek professional advice before acting or relying on any of the information in this blog as it may not be appropriate for your individual circumstances.

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