Are You Avoiding Making Decisions?

The new financial year marks a crucial period for businesses as they assess their financial performance and make critical decisions for the year ahead.

Procrastination can often slow down the decision-making process in your business.  In this video Renee Bettenay, Director from Harris Black, will discuss the 5 ways leaders tend to procrastinate and offer some solutions to help drive to quicker decision making within your business.

The information in this blog is intended only to provide a general overview and has not been prepared with a view to any particular situation or set of circumstances. It is not intended to be comprehensive nor does it constitute advice. While we attempt to ensure the information is current and accurate we do not guarantee its currency and accuracy. You should seek professional advice before acting or relying on any of the information in this blog as it may not be appropriate for your individual circumstances.

How can we help you?

Today’s financial environment demands a regular review of strategy and a focus on execution.