Over the last 9 months the ATO commenced sending PAYG Instalment Notices via myGov or other digital means to you directly. Given the inconsistencies of this system, Tax Agents such as Harris Black were finding it extremely difficult to be certain clients actually received these notices.
Following feedback from the tax profession, the ATO has now agreed to send out paper notifications for PAYG Instalment Notices until a more effective digital solution can be implemented. The sending of paper notifications will commence from the June 2021 quarter. As a result of this, and without notice to Harris Black, your method of delivery of PAYG Instalment Notices may change yet again.
Should you miss paying a PAYG Instalment Notice due to the change of delivery method and are then charged with either penalties or interest, it is important that you contact the ATO and ask that they remit the penalties / interest applied.
Please contact us for assistance if you are concerned about the method of delivery of your PAYG Instalment Notices and we will do our best to get the best solution in place for you.