On the 30th July 2021 the Harris Black Team got together for their annual staff day. This was the first year the function has been held outside of our Ann street premises with the team migrating to the Stamford Plaza for a day full of vision and fun.
The day started off bright and early with a light breakfast while admiring the views which the river room had to offer. Our day then continued with an insightful presentation on the firm’s journey through the ages, our last year’s achievements, and the further strengthening of our Harris Black strategy.
Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 travel restrictions our first guest presenter, James Mason, had to dial in via Zoom. Despite this James gave a modern presentation on the topic of Innovation. James showed us how and when to innovate effectively and what innovating with in our firm can do to help Harris Black achieve our goals. After Morning Tea, a good friend of Harris Black, Mandy Holloway, dialled in and presented ‘The Trusted Advisor’. Mandy focused on the aspect of trust and exhibited how developing this aspect of ourselves can significantly help our relationships both inside and outside the office. This was followed by a beautiful barbeque lunch provided by the Pav Bar adjacent to the Stamford Plaza.
The day was then handed off to our managers who led the rest of the team to the Botanic Gardens for ‘The Amazing Race’ style team building activities. Teams competed against each other to gain points by completing set challenges around the gardens. After a sprint finish and a lot of fun, the day wound down with drinks and a magic show back at the Stamford Plaza, followed by a well-deserved EOFY dinner at Kabuki Teppanyaki Restaurant.
After a very busy and uncertain year it was great to get the Harris Black Team together for an entertaining and productive day enjoyed by all!
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